November 25, 2024
What’s it like to be a medium?
Here’s a recent interview about being a medium in case you’re interested. Anthropology Dept Major University
1)When was your first experience regarding the spiritual world?
My first experience was when I was probably four years old growing up in a row home in Baltimore city and at night after my family had put me to bed two floors up from where they would reside later in the evening, I would see these translucent figures come through the walls of my bedroom (particularly this older woman probably some sort of guide looking back or ancestral guide ) and lean over me and touch me sometimes and it was terrifying, but nobody believed that it was happening.
My late mother, my late father, my sister do did not have this ability. It apparently comes from my mother’s mother’s sister who never left Ireland and was a reluctant, famous medium psychic, and a farm woman. She developed such a reputation that people would just come hang around her house without appointments all the time Waiting for readings – must’ve been unnerving for her. Back in the days before cell phones and ability to easily schedule people. I think that’s how it worked.
From there, there were so many different experiences that defied logic Including these caped tall beings that would come into my bedroom when I’d be home alone, taking a nap in my 30s and they would paralyze me and terrify me, but I’ve met others that have had this experience and I think they were just imbuing me with my ability. I don’t know. This was prior to what I did any type of professional readings yet.
But I would have to write an entire book about All the non-logical experiences that I have had to deal with and try to make sense of and maybe one day I will, but that was the beginning.
Please understand I spent 40 years successfully working in a very logic driven scientific field of software engineering. My mind is very logically driven. I score in the top one percent in abstract reasoning so I’ve been puzzled my entire life and trying to figure out all the odd experiences I have And still continue to experience that defy the logical world.
2) How did you learn about mediums and what lead you to you come to the conclusion you are a medium?
My earliest experience was my mother would be watching TV and I was a young pre school child and there would be a medium that would come on one of the talk shows that she watched George Anderson.
He would walk around the audience doing cold readings and be scribbling on a piece of paper the entire time making Circles while he connected into the other side and very accurately read these total strangers Who were very moved by him and I remember being mesmerized by the process. And then I developed a fascination with Medium later in life and study them and their lives and Took training classes with them.
But I didn’t want to be Medium Professionally. I actually wanted to be a Career woman woman growing up in the women’s Lib era and watching Mary Tyler Moore throw her hat in the air and declare her independence in the show I think it was called – that girl.
I just wanted to work in the corporate world And be independent. Work hard and be successful. Which I was in that world.
3) Thinking about both past and present, how would you describe the impact your abilities have on your daily life?
My abilities eventually got in the way of me functioning in the corporate world. It grew too big the part-time work I was doing clandestinely to understand my abilities and hone them. 10 years of free readings.
But for 10 years backwards from 2014 when I left the corporate world, I was clandestinely doing group individual readings, and I was fascinated that the readings I was giving to people were very healing to them and meaningful and insightful and accurate Including What I call unique data that validated. Many times you can sit there and you could actually watch the client let go of things and heal right in front of your eyes just working with them for one hour and a successful reading. It’s such a great feeling to help someone else heal at a level. It becomes addictive. Along with the wonderful feeling of love that runs through your body as you’re connecting with their loved one through you to them.
So eventually, I was feeling a calling around 2014 to leave the corporate world and go full-time into this one which I did after receiving a few unique signs from the universe that I requested that validated I was on the right path.
Since then, being a medium has taken over my house, what I do for a living, the men who will be in a relationship with me, it is taken over how I handle my body as you cannot drink alcohol, smoke, do drugs (and need to remember your body is your instrument same as a musician
), The relationship I have with my very strict Catholic family, most of whom have shunned me how to complete lack of understanding of what I do for a living, the type of friends I attract. And has probably ostracized me somewhat with people who know what I do for living and do not understand or believe in it. Including my neighbors, You have to learn to develop a thick skin to be a medium and know that you were protected and guided by a higher power.
I very rarely tell strangers what I do for a living. Even though I’ve been doing it very successfully for 20 some years 10 years professionally charging the other time free. And I am mostly five star rated I just know by now that people either are really into what I do and fascinated with it or they think you’re a total whack job fake who’s trying to rip them off. There’s really no middle ground.
On the other side, I never have to advertise. I’ve never run out of clients in 20 years just through word advertising basically so I feel like I’m in the right place doing the right work.
4) Additionally, how does it impact your relationship with people- in and outside of your career?
I believe I lost my corporate job over being a medium part-time separate from my corporate software engineering position. Once they accidentally discovered what I was doing on the side, even though it had no impact to their business model or my responsibilities towards that corporation I worked with mostly atheistic scientifically minded males who I believe found a reason to make my life miserable and enough to make me quit even though I was an exemplary employee software engineer, technical project manager analyst. which I did, quit and I’ve never been happier working for myself doing what I’m doing now after A big nudge from the universe to head in this direction. And taking a big leap into the arms of the universe as they call it in this industry.
But it definitely affects my relationships with other people. I hesitate to even tell my doctors what I really do for a living. I usually just tell them I’m still in the technical field. As I said, I don’t share what I do for a living easily with people I do not know.
I have occasionally been harassed to the point of even having Death Threats from unbalanced individuals so I now no longer put my exact address out on my website. I only give it out on a need to know basis if someone has an in person appointment. And we have security around the house.
What I do for living Will attract some people who are Mentally Unbalanced but basically all I’m trying to do is heal people from grief or perhaps give them some wisdom and guidance into the future of their life on earth.
I feel very strongly about helping people heal from grief as I’ve suffered many great losses in my own life, and I know how debilitating grief can be.
Many times, providing proof of the eternity of the soul to the bereaved loved one and letting them connect with their loved one and see what a beautiful life they’re living in a different dimension can be extraordinarily healing.
5) What are the most important things you believe people should know about mediums?
The important thing I think is what I was first taught from one of my first big name Medium mentors in one of his training classes, John Holland.
He will not let you into his training, advanced, medium training, and he’s probably one of the top five mediums in the world unless you respond when you apply to his question
Why do you want to be a Medium ? that you want to help people not to seek fame fortune. It is a very unique I believe genetic probably 1 in a million ability. But as with any ability, you will spend thousands of hours honing your ability in a world where there is a lot of people doing the same thing for a living to even understood or replicate. And everyone’s abilities seem to be unique. I’ve learned the most just doing my own readings and reverse engineering data.
And you probably could use it for fortune or fame.
however I’ve never liked the limelight always preferred working in the background, keeping a low profile. No interest in Fame or great fortune. Just peace of mind and a quiet life.
6) In the interview you sent me, you spoke about the rarity of mediums. What do you know about other mediums in Maryland?
I think in Maryland, most of us konw one another at least by name and probably by reputation. We all seem to be lone wolves With our own independent businesses and Reading styles.
I’m not really friends directly with any of them if that’s what you’re asking. I know some of them from working in a local new age store back in 2010 and 11.
7) How do you feel about people who do not believe in a medium’s abilities and what is it like interacting with such people?
In my line of work, you will meet numerous skeptical people and I always say it’s OK to be skeptical. It is not OK to be disrespectful. It’s funny how some of them will play these skeptical games of not validating the information you give them and only to get hung up later on in the reading with the fact that they have responded with invalid answers intentionally usually always happens.
I also think if someone’s been doing the work successfully for 20 years with very high ratings consistently that you should give them the benefit of the doubt before you attempt to play the Usually bully and Skeptic.
I find most skeptics have to buddy up with someone else. As in getting some sort of group reading. Group reading, sometimes embolden people to act in ways that they would never act on an individual basis.
And since my rates are a little higher now, I don’t find as many skeptical People wanting to play skeptical games with me and waste their time and their money but occasionally you do run into them and hopefully you just do the best you can to read them.
I’ve also run into some very skeptical, rude people who I could not read which is unusual and I’ve been told by my guides and angels that when a skeptic is rude and abusive to a valid Medium doing healing work on the earth They get Blocked from connection to the other side. Sort of like a social media block. Guides do not suffer Fools and the Medium better be dependable as well and honest and respectful if they want the guides to work through and with them.
So when a skeptical client is blocked to the other side it complicates the process if you are valid Medium and you’re trying to read for this person and give them Unique information because sometimes there’s just a block around them And you can’t penetrate it no matter how hard you try, but that doesn’t happen very often anymore.
When I used to let Observers into other peoples readings, it was more common. I’ve done away with the practice.
And I caution people who are getting a group reading that the energy of the people they invite is going to impact their reading so they’re less inclined to want to invite people who are going to be a negative impact on their desire to have a good reading.

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