Brian, my twin soul and husband, is continuing to do well after his April 11, 2017 liver transplant to treat his liver cancer. And thank you all for your continued prayers and support. 2020 forward have brought great caution for us due to his health issues.
Each year, KC Lane Enterprises will hold fundraisers for the Georgetown University Transplant Institute and Donate Life America. KC Lane Enterprises gives monthly to The Helping Up Mission. And in 2021 added Animal Readings and gives part of the proceeds to various animal charities.
KC Lane is also trying to raise awareness for organ donation. I assure you when you get on the other side you have a beautiful, healthy, young strong body. You will not need any of the organs you are leaving behind. Or consider living donation if eligible. And inspired.
Thank you and I hope you consider organ, blood (or medical science body donation as I am doing) donation to help bring a miracle into someone else’s life one day.
So far to Medstar Transplant Institute and Donate Life America, & The Helping Up Mission respectively as listed below:
2017 $530 $400,$250
2018 $450 $400,$250
2019 $820 $400,$400
2020 $700,$420, $350
2021 $550, $100, $400, WIP Animal Charities Total
2022 $500, WIP
2023 $200 $200
2024 $200 $200
Become An Organ DonorLearn more about our story here: